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Artisanal R/Evolution. Spanish design and craftsmanship

As we advanced already in diarioDESIGN, last July 12 at the headquarters of Fundesarte the exhibition “R / craft Evolution” opened. Spanish design and craftsmanship, “with the collaboration of the Homeless Design Network, a platform for designers and artisans who are committed to collaboration between the different categories of design and craftsmanship, assembling each his talent, creativity, knowledge and experience. The exhibition collects 12 pieces made in collaboration between designers and artisans from Spain. In it you can see works of various kinds, from wooden furniture to pottery or lamps Esparto. The careful selection shows the creativity and quality of work of new generations of artisans and designers working collaboratively.

In the exhibition you can see the E & B Lamp, designed by José Alburquerque and Cristina Carpena combining pottery and esparto workshop prepared by the Murcian Arteblanc and Romero and Hernandez ceramists. Another highlight is the furniture The Grain, designed by Jorge de la Cruz and produced by Torneados de la Cruz, a gorgeous enhancement of wood grain. These same artisans are sign responsible for other parts of the exhibition: The Gifu family of lamps designed by Pauline Stephens and Maria Pilar Velasco literally simulate a mother accompanied by her young.  The exhibition will also include El Botijo, designed by the Madrid collective Wow and produced by Maria de Andrés, who has just been awarded the second prize in the lounge of young designers Salone Satellite of the Milan FAIR.

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